![I Look Nordic As Fuck. Prussian German Ethnicity / Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP ... I Look Nordic As Fuck. Prussian German Ethnicity / Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP 卐]](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/037/380/sigismund-steinh%C3%A4user-i-look-nordic-as-fuck-prussian-german-ethnicity.jpg)
I Look Nordic As Fuck. Prussian German Ethnicity / Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP 卐]
Part of a series on Nordicism. [View Related Entries]
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"I Look Nordic As Fuck. Prussian German Ethnicity" is a statement made by Discord user Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP 卐] when he sent a picture of himself to other users, in what appeared to be a Neo-Nazi server. Steinhäuser's appearance and his statement became target of memes and parodies online, which are often used as mockery towards Nordicists and Neo-Nazis.
On May 20th, 2018, Imgur user korinsama12314 posted a screenshot from the server, titling it "The purest of the aryan race"[1], which received 40,000 visualizations in 3 years (shown below).
![Original post Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP 5] Yesterday at 10:39 PM I look nordic as f--- Prussian german ethnicity](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/115/703/52b.png)
In the following days and weeks, more images of Steinhäuser and his antics in the Discord server were posted in other websites. On May 24th, 2018, Kiwi Farms user Torba posted several selfies of Steinhäuser himself[2] (examples shown, below).

Selfies and screenshots of Steinhäuser licking a knife, making blood sacrifices to Adolf Hitler, doing Roman salutes and crafting armbands were also shared in the thread. On February 18th, 2019, an anonymous user on the 4chan board /int/ shared a collage containing the most famous screenshots that leaked from his Discord server[3] (shown below).
![Discord Screenshots Collage Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP ]vesterday at 10:39 PM Adolf Eichmann Today at 10:09 PM Can you post a picture of yourself doing a roman salute? Sigismund Steinhauser Today at 10:10 PM Sorry my arm came out wrong when being born its crooked I look nordic as f--- Prussian german ethnicity Sigismund Steinhäuser L ] Today at 18:36 I pay in blood for Hitler](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/115/744/1b4.jpg)
On August 2nd, 2018, the iconic screenshot of Steinhäuser was shared on r/Destiny titled "This is the guy calling you "a libtard" in the comments section"[4]. The post received over 250 upvotes in 2 years. On April 8th, 2018, Twitter user @Womanhater1488 juxtaposed Steinhäuser to a photograph of a young prince Oskar of Prussia[5], showing that both of them had a recessed chin and a similar profile. A screenshot of the tweet was shared on Reddit on January 30th, 2021, by pathetichmn in the r/196 subreddit, titled "Rule"[6]. The post received over 3,700 upvotes in 4 months (shown, below).

Steinhäuser also gained attention on iFunny, where several users posted images captioned with his iconic statement. On December 6th, 2018, user Svet posted an image captioned "I look Nordic as fuck"[7], received over 245 upvotes in 2 years (shown below, left). On October 27th, 2019, a similar caption, this time featuring Twitch steamer Jerma985 was posted by user Crawlz[8]. The post received over 45 upvotes in 1 years (shown below, right).

On Instagram, a user named deathisinevitable69[9], claiming to be the real Steinhäuser[10], started posting a series of intentionally edgy images in a black-and-white filter. Giving himself the name "Blade", the account shares memes and talks about himself (example shown, below).

It is unknown whether this account belongs to the real Steinhäuser or is someone else posing as him for trolling purposes.
Several Examples
![Eastmatch atmoran ethnicity Ülfrich Strömcloak [JARL 3] Yesterday at 10:39 PM I look Nordic as f--- Eastmarch atmoran ethnicity](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/115/793/941.jpg)
![Whitest man on /bant/ Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP 5] esterday at 10:39 PM I look nordic as f--- Prussian german ethnicity](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/115/771/132.png)

![Who would win in a fight? t7 Justin Whang VIDCON Marlon @MarlonVids · 2h who would win in a fight? Retweeted Sigismund Steinhäuser [NSDAP ]trtayM 9 PA quinn X @quinncarnation YES i am a communist YES i will personally murder god 8/29/16, 5:15 AM 4 RETWEETS 24 LIKES quinn X equinncarnation awoo. I look nordic as f--- Prussian german ethnicity O 22 2797 293](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/115/773/eb8.jpg)

Search Interest
External References
[1] Imgur – The purest of the aryan race
[2] Kiwi Farms – Thread Requests & Resources – If you want to make a thread but don't know how or are too lazy.
[3] /int/ – Thread # 101716496
[4] r/Destiny – This is the guy calling you a libtard in the comments section
[5] Twitter – wait a fucking minute
[7] iFunny – I look Nordic as fuck
[8] iFunny – I look Nordic as fuck. Prussian German ethnicity.
[9] Instagram – deathisinevitable69
[10] Instagram – Yep. This me folks, as you can see I have an expression of agony across my face as I am truly in complete agony in every moment of my life
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Jun 03, 2021 at 03:01PM EDT
Jun 03, 2021 at 04:13PM EDT