I put Wii music over
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The meme is based off of the "I put spongebob music over" Meme. The Youtube user "Jmak" Uploaded the first "I put Wii music over" video on May 8th, 2017. Popularity was slim with only 15k views.
Video example
Jmak's video
Jmak then again uploaded another "I put Wii music over" again, but this time the views boomed. Jmak uploaded "I put Wii music over north Koreans Marching" A spin off to the original spongebob version. The Mii Wii music is oddly fitting to the Marching Korean Army. This currently at the time of writing this has 270,062 views, and is gaining around 1,500 views an hour. A Reddit user by the name of reddit.com/u/WholeWheatMorty Posted "Jmak's" video in /r/videos and got 448 points on his post, but the post was removed because of Political reasoning. You can still view the post here. Reddit post
Other Jmak Wii videos.
Kim Jong Il's FUNeral
Car Crash
Start of the Meme spread.
This meme is spreading all over Reddit and YouTube. People are starting to make more "I put Wii music over" videos here are some example:
Wii music over Police chase
Wii music over Darude Sandstorm
Wii music over Nazi's
Wii music over Juicero
Recent Videos 1 total
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