Is That a Personal Attack?
"Is That a Personal Attack?" is a phrase said by American actress Brie Larson during a WIRED Interview on YouTube. The clip shows Brie Larson using the phrase after being asked a question during the interview and giving a seemingly hostile response. The still of Larson saying the phrase has been used as a reaction image with captions describing humorously un-hostile situations.
On March 6th 2019, WIRED uploaded an interview of Brie Larson asking her the "web's most searched questions." After the question "does Brie Larson workout?" appeared on the screen, Brie, seeming confused, looked at the camera and said, "Like, hypothetically would I, at some point? Is that, like, a personal attack or something?" (shown below).
Over the following days, the clip gained notoriety among anti-fans of the Captain Marvel film, gaining 100 points on /r/MGTOW.[1] The YouTube comment section exploded with comedic takes on the quote, taking the forms of the Protec Attacc meme and Infinity War memes (shown below).

On March 21st, Redditor TheCommunist_Scholar posted the image in reference to The Great Subscriber War, gaining over 1,100 points (shown below, left).[2] On March 19th, Facebook group Voter Apathy Party made a post making fun of Buzzfeed, gaining over 140 reactions.[3]

Various Examples

Search Interest
External References
[1] /r/MGTOW – Brie Larson personally attacked by looking at her most googled questions.
[2] Reddit – Invest In This Solid Meme
[3] Facebook – Voter Apathy Party