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Ivanka Trump's #TogetherApart

Added 4 years ago by Sophie • Updated about a year ago by andcallmeshirley
Added 4 years ago by Sophie • Updated about a year ago by andcallmeshirley

woman sitting in a blanket fort indoors holding a baby while a child plays with a flashlight
woman sitting in a blanket fort indoors holding a baby while a child plays with a flashlight


Ivanka Trump's #TogetherApart is a hashtag created by Ivanka Trump during the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020 to share fun activities parents can do with their children while in isolation. Though some Twitter users responded positively, sharing fun activities, others criticized her post for being out-of-touch with many American's hardships during the pandemic.


On March 17th, @IvankaTrump[1] tweeted a picture of herself and her children in a makeshift indoor tent with the caption, "Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & ‘pack’ sandwiches, salads (S’mores optional)A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart" (shown below). The tweet gained over 57,100 likes and 8,100 retweets in three days.

Ivanka Trump @lvankaTrump Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional ) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart 8:34 AM - Mar 17, 2020 - Twitter for iPhone


On March 17th, 2020, Twitter user @kimguilfoyle[2] responded to Trump's tweet saying, "Such a great idea. In times like this, we have a great opportunity to come together with our children and build fun memories!#TogetherApart" (shown below, left). The tweet received over 9,500 likes and 1,500 retweets in three days. That same day, Twitter user @loisromano[3] pointed out that "This photo is years old. Ivanka's youngest son is 3-years-old -- and her daughter is 8" (shown below, right). The tweet accumulated over 1,500 likes and 250 retweets in three days.

Kimberly Guilfoyle @kimguilfoyle Such a great idea. In times like this, we have a great opportunity to come together with our children and build fun memories! #TogetherApart Ivanka Trump O @lvankaTrump - Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional ) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag TogetherApart 9:27 AM - Mar 17, 2020 - Twitter for iPhone Lois Romano @loisromano This photo is years old. Ivanka's youngest son is 3- years-old -- and her daughter is 8. Ivanka Trump O @lvankaTrump · Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional 9) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart 3:48 PM - Mar 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App

The next day, Twitter user @chrissyteigen[4] tweeted, "after we quote pack unquote sandwiches can we please have Covid tests" (shown below). The tweet garnered over 132,100 likes and 11,600 retweets in two days. The Daily Dot[5] published an article on Chrissy Teigen's response and listed other responses in which many criticize her father's policies involving children at the border.

christine teigen @chrissyteigen · Mar 18 after we quote pack unquote sandwiches can we please have Covid tests Quote Tweet  Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump  · Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids?   Plan living room camp out!  Throw a bedsheet over some taped toge

Various Examples

Ilhan Omar @llhanMN Thinking of all the families separated forcefully by your father's policies today. Share your ideas on how you plan to unite them. #TogetherApart Ivanka Trump O @lvankaTrump · Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional ) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart 1:26 PM - Mar 17, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone Chris Lu @ChrisLu44 What parents in the real world are doing: -Juggling telework and child care -Struggling to afford groceries and rent after being laid off -Feeding their kids when subsidized school meals aren't available -Going to work sick when they don't have paid leave Ivanka Trump O @lvankaTrump · Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional ) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart 12:44 PM - Mar 17, 2020 · Twitter Web App Joyce Alene @JoyceWhiteVance No one can possibly be this clueless. She knows single moms have to figure out how to get to work with their kids home from school, people are desperate to ensure elderly relatives are cared for, people are trying to afford enough food in advance to get by for a couple of weeks. Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump · Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack' sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional ) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart 3:35 PM - Mar 17, 2020 - Twitter Web App Mike Monteiro @monteiro Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode when we pretend the kids are in cages, have to sleep on cement, and don't have access to medicine. (Human rights optional "Where are my parents? I'm lonely and afraid!" Fun! #TogetherApart #NaziBarbie Ivanka Trump O @lvankaTrump · Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids? Plan living room camp out! Throw a bedsheet over some taped together brooms. Plan a menu & 'pack sandwiches, salads (S'mores optional ) A fun activity that also brings family together for a meal! Share your ideas & use the hashtag #TogetherApart 5:34 PM - Mar 17, 2020 - Twitter Web Client "n Hannah Castillo - Text TRUMP to 88022 @thehannahjane · Mar 17 Entertaining my girl with conference calls and cuddles ❤️ #TogetherApart  Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) Quote Tweet  Ivanka Trump @IvankaTrump  · Mar 17 Staying home today w/ kids?   Plan li social distancing @arbethune Replying to @BeaglesResist @NCfarmer321 and @lvankaTrump Indoor camping! How fun! Where are their mommies? @lvankaTrump #TogetherApart 11:14 AM - Mar 17, 2020 · Twitter for iPhone

Search Interest

Not Available

External References

[1] Twitter – IvankaTrump

[2] Twitter – kimguifoyle

[3] Twitter – loisromano

[4] Twitter – chrissyteigen

[5] DailyDot – Chrissy Teigen Ivanka Trump Coronavirus

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