Karen - Images
Entitled manager fires employee for not being available outside of work hours, and then writes an ar...

Damn, those polices are oppressing us. This isn't democracy, THIS IS "FACISM" | /r/FuckYouKaren

They should pay attention in school | /r/FuckYouKaren

I love this sign | /r/FuckYouKaren

Yes Karen, lockdown is exactly the same as slavery. | /r/FuckYouKaren

Meta-Karen | /r/FuckYouKaren

Rare, but an Indian Karen | /r/FuckYouKaren

Claiming kettlebells in a public gym .. | /r/FuckYouKaren

Karen would like to speak to your Magistrate | /r/FuckYouKaren
![nd Tribunale Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Queenslana .... trial Relatics Commission PSA/2022/4 McLennan IC 16 February 2022 QIRC22-038 Full-text: QIRC22-038.pdf Add to my case list Catchwords Share this Karen v State of Queensland (Queensland Police Service) [2022] QIRC 38 << Return f in < Previous search results Next > PUBLIC SERVICE - EMPLOYEES AND SERVANTS OF THE CROWN GENERALLY - PUBLIC SERVICE APPEAL - application to stay decision appealed against - where direction issued mandating certain employees, unless exempted, must receive a COVID-19 vaccine - applicant applied for exemption from complying with the direction - exemption refused - applicant suspended on remuneration - determination to continue suspension without remuneration - applicant appealed against the decision to continue suspension without remuneration - applicant applied, pursuant to s 566(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 2016 for the decision to be wholly stayed pending determination of the appeal - consideration of matters in granting a stay - consideration of whether appellant has an arguable case - consideration of balance of convenience stay refused](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/431/973/3ac.jpg)
![nd Tribunale Queensland Industrial Relations Commission Queenslana .... trial Relatics Commission PSA/2022/4 McLennan IC 16 February 2022 QIRC22-038 Full-text: QIRC22-038.pdf Add to my case list Catchwords Share this Karen v State of Queensland (Queensland Police Service) [2022] QIRC 38 << Return f in < Previous search results Next > PUBLIC SERVICE - EMPLOYEES AND SERVANTS OF THE CROWN GENERALLY - PUBLIC SERVICE APPEAL - application to stay decision appealed against - where direction issued mandating certain employees, unless exempted, must receive a COVID-19 vaccine - applicant applied for exemption from complying with the direction - exemption refused - applicant suspended on remuneration - determination to continue suspension without remuneration - applicant appealed against the decision to continue suspension without remuneration - applicant applied, pursuant to s 566(1) of the Industrial Relations Act 2016 for the decision to be wholly stayed pending determination of the appeal - consideration of matters in granting a stay - consideration of whether appellant has an arguable case - consideration of balance of convenience stay refused](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/431/973/3ac.jpg)
LMAOO, I don't know what's funnier the bozo still trying to order, or the friends name | /r/FuckYou...

marjorie taylor greene (a US congresswoman) is selling these. | /r/FuckYouKaren

This isn’t even a statement on religion; it’s an indictment of Comic Sans. | /r/FuckYouKaren

Karen across the street isn't happy about the road construction and is aggressively passionate about...

Firehouses get these types of letters all the time. Here's our regarding backing the engine into the...

1. Get puppy for attention 2. Throw away puppy later for a fee | /r/Karen

I have found the spawning grounds for Karen | /r/FuckYouKaren
