Mildly Interesting - Images
The light and the sunset match
Mildly Interesting
This tiny tomato
Mildly Interesting
This tree froze before dropping its leaves
Mildly Interesting
A blue McDonald's sign
Mildly Interesting
Vacuum sealed popcorn
Mildly Interesting
The perfect pancake
Mildly Interesting
This not-so-happy happy face
Mildly Interesting
Perfectly lined up
Mildly Interesting
A copier in the bathroom
Mildly Interesting
The last open Blockbuster
Mildly Interesting
The last digit of this passport has a star
Mildly Interesting
Distant rain
Mildly Interesting
This bread
Mildly Interesting
This globe is wrong
Mildly Interesting
The difference in non-free range and free range eggs
Mildly Interesting
This patio
Mildly Interesting
One random bicycle noodle
Mildly Interesting
All of these Oreos came flipped
Mildly Interesting
One long neck hair
Mildly Interesting
Hairbrush broke to reveal this odd core
Mildly Interesting