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My Dream BF and My Dream GF refer to a series of posts parodying a viral tweet by Twitter user @enlightenedcoop in which she provided a long list of expectations for a boyfriend of her dreams. The trend, which parodies the original, achieved virality on Twitter in early June 2023.


On May 31st, 2023, Twitter[1] user @enlightenedcoop described her dream boyfriend with a list of 13 requirements including a height of 6 feet, a yearly income of $300,000 to $500,000 and being "funny but a bit weird." The tweet (shown below) gained over 1,000 retweets, 16,000 quote tweets and 15,400 likes in one week.

Cooper @enlightenedcoop My dream bf - 6ft - $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT 10:02 PM . May 31, 2023 · 68.3M Views
My dream bf
- 6ft
- $300-500K total comp
- very ambitious & driven
- 27-33yo
- brown eyes
- loves nyc
- rlly funny but a bit weird
- rlly kind & has a moral system
- not trust fund baby (self made)
- good taste
- good listener & planner
- loves running & reading
- loves me a LOT


Starting on June 1st, 2023, users on Twitter posted parodies of the tweet, listing requirements for boyfriends and girlfriends of their dreams and making references to fictional characters. For example, on that day, Twitter[2] user @RoxyTall made a humorous quote tweet that referenced the dwarf character Gimli from The Lord of the Rings franchise that gained over 1,000 retweets and 20,200 likes in five days (shown below, left). Later that day, Twitter[3] user @gazpachomachine tweeted a list with a single requirement for his dream girlfriend to be "nice." The tweet (shown below, right) garnered over 10,500 retweets and 137,600 likes in the same period.

Roxy @RoxyTall my dream bf 4ft - giant beard wears chainmail - lives underground - mines gold and mithril - 130-140yo - natural sprinter eats meat right off the bone overcomes prejudice to fight side by side with an elf Cooper @enlightenedcoop May 31 My dream bf - 6ft $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT Show this thread 12:16 AM Jun 1, 2023 2.1M Views :
gaz @gazpachomachine My dream gf - nice Cooper @enlightenedcoop May 31 My dream bf - 6ft -$300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc rlly funny but a bit weird rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT Show this thread 12:23 AM. Jun 1, 2023 8.6M Views

The trend maintained prevalence on Twitter through the first week of June 2023. For example, on June 1st, Twitter[4] user @DaveOshry posted a version referencing Doom Slayer from the Doom video game series that earned over 400 retweets and 4,000 likes in five days (shown below, left). On June 2nd, 2023, Twitter[5] user @sailaunderscore posted a Who Wants Change? Who Wants to Change? meme referencing the discourse that gained over 190 retweets and 3,400 likes in four days (shown below, right).

Dave @ SGF @DaveOshry MY dream bf - 6ft8 - $300-666K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 100+ yrs old - brown visor - loves HELL - rlly strong but a bit weird - rlly metal & has an armor system not trust fund baby (HAYDEN) - good taste (in demons) - loves RIPPING & TEARING - loves killing a lot من و توستل tapan t :
who wants dream bf? broth who wants to be dream gf 199

Various Examples

dimitri's chamomile tea stash + @starbitsaplings my dream bf: -6'2 tall -prince/king of faerghus -attained the title "the savior king" -protective of everyone -has a soft side towards orphans -lover of cheese -a family man -has an immense amount of strength -calls his lover "my beloved" -always strives to improve himself M ⠀
syd@cowboy wolfwood @theaceelf My dream bf - tall - strong - doomed by the narrative - fat mommy milkers :
angelina @oftheknifes my dream bf - silly haircut - loyal 100 - buys me veils and dresses - falls on his sword when im mad :

Micky D @DeMickyD My dream bf - 150 Feet - Weighs 180 tonnes - Drives out all of the outlanders from Morrowind - Build a theocracy of ash vampires to worship them - Uses the divine influence of the Heart of Lorkhan - Invites me to look upon the heart - Is the second Numidium :
Tej Seth @tejfbanalytics her dream boyfriend is daniel jones, $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven Cooper @enlightenedcoop · May 31 My dream bf 6ft - - 27-33yo - brown eyes U - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste 8 :
Buca di BepoBus @yurtwallander My dream (H)Bf - enormous scale - extensive use of plate glass and steel - tracks on two levels serves trains from across Europe - excellent tram, bus, S-Bahn and U-Bahn connections - integrated retail and food establishments CERTIFI Cooper @enlightenedcoop May 31 My dream bf - 6ft - $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT Show this thread 10:08 AM Jun 2, 2023 363.5K Views :

Search Interest

External References

[1] Twitter – @enlightenedcoop

[2] Twitter – @RoxyTall

[3] Twitter – @gazpachomachine

[4] Twitter – @DaveOshry

[5] Twitter – @sailaunderscore

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The original "my dream bf" tweet.

My Dream BF

Updated Jun 05, 2023 at 02:04PM EDT by Zach.

Added Jun 05, 2023 at 10:57AM EDT by Philipp.

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My Dream BF and My Dream GF refer to a series of posts parodying a viral tweet by Twitter user @enlightenedcoop in which she provided a long list of expectations for a boyfriend of her dreams. The trend, which parodies the original, achieved virality on Twitter in early June 2023.


On May 31st, 2023, Twitter[1] user @enlightenedcoop described her dream boyfriend with a list of 13 requirements including a height of 6 feet, a yearly income of $300,000 to $500,000 and being "funny but a bit weird." The tweet (shown below) gained over 1,000 retweets, 16,000 quote tweets and 15,400 likes in one week.

Cooper @enlightenedcoop My dream bf - 6ft - $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT 10:02 PM . May 31, 2023 · 68.3M Views

My dream bf
- 6ft
- $300-500K total comp
- very ambitious & driven
- 27-33yo
- brown eyes
- loves nyc
- rlly funny but a bit weird
- rlly kind & has a moral system
- not trust fund baby (self made)
- good taste
- good listener & planner
- loves running & reading
- loves me a LOT


Starting on June 1st, 2023, users on Twitter posted parodies of the tweet, listing requirements for boyfriends and girlfriends of their dreams and making references to fictional characters. For example, on that day, Twitter[2] user @RoxyTall made a humorous quote tweet that referenced the dwarf character Gimli from The Lord of the Rings franchise that gained over 1,000 retweets and 20,200 likes in five days (shown below, left). Later that day, Twitter[3] user @gazpachomachine tweeted a list with a single requirement for his dream girlfriend to be "nice." The tweet (shown below, right) garnered over 10,500 retweets and 137,600 likes in the same period.

Roxy @RoxyTall my dream bf 4ft - giant beard wears chainmail - lives underground - mines gold and mithril - 130-140yo - natural sprinter eats meat right off the bone overcomes prejudice to fight side by side with an elf Cooper @enlightenedcoop May 31 My dream bf - 6ft $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT Show this thread 12:16 AM Jun 1, 2023 2.1M Views : gaz @gazpachomachine My dream gf - nice Cooper @enlightenedcoop May 31 My dream bf - 6ft -$300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc rlly funny but a bit weird rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT Show this thread 12:23 AM. Jun 1, 2023 8.6M Views

The trend maintained prevalence on Twitter through the first week of June 2023. For example, on June 1st, Twitter[4] user @DaveOshry posted a version referencing Doom Slayer from the Doom video game series that earned over 400 retweets and 4,000 likes in five days (shown below, left). On June 2nd, 2023, Twitter[5] user @sailaunderscore posted a Who Wants Change? Who Wants to Change? meme referencing the discourse that gained over 190 retweets and 3,400 likes in four days (shown below, right).

Dave @ SGF @DaveOshry MY dream bf - 6ft8 - $300-666K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 100+ yrs old - brown visor - loves HELL - rlly strong but a bit weird - rlly metal & has an armor system not trust fund baby (HAYDEN) - good taste (in demons) - loves RIPPING & TEARING - loves killing a lot من و توستل tapan t : who wants dream bf? broth who wants to be dream gf 199

Various Examples

dimitri's chamomile tea stash + @starbitsaplings my dream bf: -6'2 tall -prince/king of faerghus -attained the title "the savior king" -protective of everyone -has a soft side towards orphans -lover of cheese -a family man -has an immense amount of strength -calls his lover "my beloved" -always strives to improve himself M ⠀ syd@cowboy wolfwood @theaceelf My dream bf - tall - strong - doomed by the narrative - fat mommy milkers : angelina @oftheknifes my dream bf - silly haircut - loyal 100 - buys me veils and dresses - falls on his sword when im mad :
Micky D @DeMickyD My dream bf - 150 Feet - Weighs 180 tonnes - Drives out all of the outlanders from Morrowind - Build a theocracy of ash vampires to worship them - Uses the divine influence of the Heart of Lorkhan - Invites me to look upon the heart - Is the second Numidium : Tej Seth @tejfbanalytics her dream boyfriend is daniel jones, $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven Cooper @enlightenedcoop · May 31 My dream bf 6ft - - 27-33yo - brown eyes U - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste 8 : Buca di BepoBus @yurtwallander My dream (H)Bf - enormous scale - extensive use of plate glass and steel - tracks on two levels serves trains from across Europe - excellent tram, bus, S-Bahn and U-Bahn connections - integrated retail and food establishments CERTIFI Cooper @enlightenedcoop May 31 My dream bf - 6ft - $300-500K total comp - very ambitious & driven - 27-33yo - brown eyes - loves nyc - rlly funny but a bit weird - rlly kind & has a moral system - not trust fund baby (self made) - good taste - good listener & planner - loves running & reading - loves me a LOT Show this thread 10:08 AM Jun 2, 2023 363.5K Views :

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External References

[1] Twitter – @enlightenedcoop

[2] Twitter – @RoxyTall

[3] Twitter – @gazpachomachine

[4] Twitter – @DaveOshry

[5] Twitter – @sailaunderscore

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