Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang - Images
The gavel even know this bill is crap & wants to get away from it.

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang
Paul Ryan can’t even gavel into the heads of poor children right.

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang
Paul Ryan banged that gavel like a man who knows he just landed lifetime employment in private equity.

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang
Find someone who loves you as much as Paul Ryan loves his gavel #TaxCutsandJobsAct

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang
BRK: Tax Bill passes House 227-203. Paul Ryan bangs his gavel so hard it bounces off the lectern.

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang
Dear Paul Ryan’s gavel: welcome to the resistance.

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang
Even your gavel wants nothing to do with you, @SpeakerRyan.

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang
Well this is symbolic. Paul Ryan slams the Speaker's gavel on the table after the vote on the tax bill, puts it down, and it falls away from him. #201...

Paul Ryan's Gavel Bang