Monty Python - Images
silly walks

Monty Python

Monty Python
Monty Python

Monty Python
He's a Very Naughty Boy!

Monty Python
Strange Women Lying in Ponds
Monty Python
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Monty Python
moments like this
Monty Python
Do you find it risible... when I say the name, Biggus Dickus?

Monty Python
Cosplay Problems...

Monty Python
black lesbian
![Terry Gilliam on diversity:'I tell the world now I'm a black lesbian' The film-maker weighs in on the controversy surrounding BBC comedy chief Shane Allen's comment about 'six Oxbridge white blokes' Terry Gilliam at the Karlovy Vary film festival. Photograph: Michal Cizek/AFP/Getty Images Terry Gillíam has responded to the BBC díversíty debate whích referenced Monty Python by saying: "I tell the world now I'm a black lesbían." Gilliam was commenting on the row over díversity tríggered by the BBC's unveling of its new comedy programming, announced in June, at which the BBC's controller of comedy commissíoning Shane Allen emphasísed thie corporation's commitment to "the stories that haven't been told and the voíces we haven't yet heard". In response to a question about Monty Python's Flying Circus, Allen saíd: "Ifyou're going to assemble a team now it's not going to be síx Oxbridge whíte blokes. It's going to be a díverse range of people who reflect the modern world." Speaking at a press conference at the Karlovy Vary film festíval, where he was presenting his ne film The Man Who Killed Don Quxote, Gilliam said: "It made me cry: the ídea that... no longer six white Oxbrídge men can make a comedy show. Now we need one of this, one of that, everybody represented... this is bullshít. I no longer want to be a whíte male, I don't want to be blamed for everything wrong in the world: I tell the world now I'm a black lesbían... My name is Loretta and I'm a BLT, a black lesbían in transition." He added:"TAllen's] statement made me so angry, all of us so angry. Comedy is not assembled, it's not like putting together a boy band where you put together one of this, one of that everyone is represented." Gilliam follows fellow Python member John Cleese's angry response to Allen's comment, who tweeted: "Unfair! We weeemarkably díverse FOR OUR TIME...We had three grammar-school boys, one a poof, and Gillíam, though not actually black, was a Yank. And NO slave-owners.?" Gilliam has previously attracted controversy for his comments on the MeToo campaígn, líkeníng it to "mob rule" and saying: " It's crazy how símplified things are becoming"](
![Terry Gilliam on diversity:'I tell the world now I'm a black lesbian' The film-maker weighs in on the controversy surrounding BBC comedy chief Shane Allen's comment about 'six Oxbridge white blokes' Terry Gilliam at the Karlovy Vary film festival. Photograph: Michal Cizek/AFP/Getty Images Terry Gillíam has responded to the BBC díversíty debate whích referenced Monty Python by saying: "I tell the world now I'm a black lesbían." Gilliam was commenting on the row over díversity tríggered by the BBC's unveling of its new comedy programming, announced in June, at which the BBC's controller of comedy commissíoning Shane Allen emphasísed thie corporation's commitment to "the stories that haven't been told and the voíces we haven't yet heard". In response to a question about Monty Python's Flying Circus, Allen saíd: "Ifyou're going to assemble a team now it's not going to be síx Oxbridge whíte blokes. It's going to be a díverse range of people who reflect the modern world." Speaking at a press conference at the Karlovy Vary film festíval, where he was presenting his ne film The Man Who Killed Don Quxote, Gilliam said: "It made me cry: the ídea that... no longer six white Oxbrídge men can make a comedy show. Now we need one of this, one of that, everybody represented... this is bullshít. I no longer want to be a whíte male, I don't want to be blamed for everything wrong in the world: I tell the world now I'm a black lesbían... My name is Loretta and I'm a BLT, a black lesbían in transition." He added:"TAllen's] statement made me so angry, all of us so angry. Comedy is not assembled, it's not like putting together a boy band where you put together one of this, one of that everyone is represented." Gilliam follows fellow Python member John Cleese's angry response to Allen's comment, who tweeted: "Unfair! We weeemarkably díverse FOR OUR TIME...We had three grammar-school boys, one a poof, and Gillíam, though not actually black, was a Yank. And NO slave-owners.?" Gilliam has previously attracted controversy for his comments on the MeToo campaígn, líkeníng it to "mob rule" and saying: " It's crazy how símplified things are becoming"](
Monty Python
I bet they're also too British for the BBC

Monty Python
John Cleese on Monty Python's Lack of Diversity

Monty Python
So Much For Pathos

Monty Python
Camelot Prisoner

Monty Python
The problem with stupid people, according to John Cleese.

Monty Python