Richard Dawkins - Images
Science damn it!

Richard Dawkins
Mr. Dawkins realized that memes are very important than ever before.

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins
Would you touch a poop for $20?

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins
![[-] ericyang158匡551 points 4 hours ago (6621111) Hello Dr. Dawkins, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA. How do you feel now that memes, first discussed in your book The Selfish Gene, have become ubiquitous in internet culture? Do you have a favorite internet meme? permalink source report give gold save-RES reply hide child comments 个[-] Rich adDawiane . E [+2][5] 989 points 4 hours ago (1 1911202) I'm pleased that the concept of meme has become widely understood, but the true meaning is a bit broader than the common understanding. Anything transmitted with high fidelity from brain to brain by imitation is a meme. permalink source parent report save-RES give gold reply 个[-] idk-bro 700 points 4 hours ago (8351135) I bet it's Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, isn't it permalink source parent report save-RES give gold reply 个H clockworkEmpirell 185 points 3 hours ago (219134) Nah man, he's old school. Probably ceiling cat. permalink source parent report save-RES give gold reply](
![[-] ericyang158匡551 points 4 hours ago (6621111) Hello Dr. Dawkins, thank you for taking the time to do this AMA. How do you feel now that memes, first discussed in your book The Selfish Gene, have become ubiquitous in internet culture? Do you have a favorite internet meme? permalink source report give gold save-RES reply hide child comments 个[-] Rich adDawiane . E [+2][5] 989 points 4 hours ago (1 1911202) I'm pleased that the concept of meme has become widely understood, but the true meaning is a bit broader than the common understanding. Anything transmitted with high fidelity from brain to brain by imitation is a meme. permalink source parent report save-RES give gold reply 个[-] idk-bro 700 points 4 hours ago (8351135) I bet it's Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, isn't it permalink source parent report save-RES give gold reply 个H clockworkEmpirell 185 points 3 hours ago (219134) Nah man, he's old school. Probably ceiling cat. permalink source parent report save-RES give gold reply](
Richard Dawkins
Heroes of Atheism

Richard Dawkins
The Four Horsemen

Richard Dawkins
Yahoo Answers

Richard Dawkins