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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress from the 19th Bombardment Group of the Far East Air Force, as ground personnel were loading it with (100- and 500-pound bo...


Is it really “bad” to not leave your room??

New roommate’s grandma comes to stay with us every week

I almost called the cops on my roommate last night

Roommate put period cup in our dishwasher. It’s just sitting in there for the next cycle

Housemate never leaves the kitchen

New roommate’s grandma comes to stay with us every week

Roommate doesn’t want men in the apartment

Is it really “bad” to not leave your room??

She is CONSTANTLY face timing. i can’t take it anymore

Roommate hates that I buy my own cookware, but I store them in my own space?

Roommate moved out about a month ago and left his fishtank

You guys might have bad roommates, but do you have 'please make your bed' bad roommates?

My Aunt’s piss shower

That's urine.