/r/freefolk - Images
What if Ned Stark demanded a Trial by Combat and won? | /r/FreeFolk

Ok let's play guess the actor. Just posting GoT/HOTD actors/actresses from other unrecognizable role...

I knew Roose Bolton's days were numbered the moment he decided to un-bastard Ramsay | /r/FreeFolk

This is so cool. (Spoilers S8) | /r/FreeFolk

Bobby B before his death | /r/FreeFolk

Grand Maester Sam ffs | /r/FreeFolk

Man I miss old Tyrion | /r/FreeFolk

virgin-shaming | /r/FreeFolk

The BEST acted scene of the entire show. | /r/FreeFolk

Screenshot from a reality in which we got a show about the Blackfyre Rebellion | /r/FreeFolk

Why do you think the god of light didn't stay true to his promise after making Stannis make the big ...

The battle between two poorly treated storylines | /r/FreeFolk

Stannis' Most Played Song of 302 AC | /r/FreeFolk

He wrote what? | /r/FreeFolk

Admit it. Every one here had the same facial expression as Cersei when Tywin made that entrance. | /...

Rickon Stark - This poor kid never stood a chance, Smh. His character was so underdeveloped he didn...
