/r/freefolk - Images
Just in time. | /r/FreeFolk

I'm pretty sure only Jaime is allowed to walk away with an answer like that to Tywin. | /r/FreeFolk

What do you do? | /r/FreeFolk

Bobby B Approves! | /r/FreeFolk

Why did they get the Targaryen heraldry wrong in HOTD when they got it right it GOT? | /r/FreeFolk

I feel like people are expecting way to much from GRRMs blog post | /r/FreeFolk

Why didn't Ned just pose as Lyanna to keep Robert's Chad energy at bay whilst Rhaegar busted his nut...

found on pinterest | /r/FreeFolk

Season 8 Tyrion rude as hell | /r/FreeFolk

Spotted in the wild. Thought it was fitting given the date. | /r/FreeFolk

"You're a virgin." | /r/FreeFolk

Can anyone explain to me who these fucknuts are? I used to think they used real "faces" to assasin p...

Blood and Cheese were the most incompetent assassins of Westeros | /r/FreeFolk

This fan base deserves so much more hate | /r/FreeFolk

When did the show jump the shark? IMO it was when Mance Rayder and Edmure Tully joined forces to sai...

The Stark kids are true villains for what they did to their uncle | /r/FreeFolk
