Strange Duolingo Sentences - Images
What Does the Fox Say
Strange Duolingo Sentences
People Die
Strange Duolingo Sentences
I Hold Back the Tears Every Day
Strange Duolingo Sentences
I Do Not Drink Oil
Strange Duolingo Sentences
I Am Going to Die
Strange Duolingo Sentences
Cinnamon Rolls

Strange Duolingo Sentences
The Vegetable Does Not Like Vegetarians

Strange Duolingo Sentences
You Touch Me a Lot

Strange Duolingo Sentences
No, I Am Perfect

Strange Duolingo Sentences
Me, a Duolingo Scholar:

Strange Duolingo Sentences
Is Duolingo okay?

Strange Duolingo Sentences
is duolingo trying to start a class war?

Strange Duolingo Sentences
are duolingo employees ok?

Strange Duolingo Sentences
I Am Touching the Child

Strange Duolingo Sentences