The Best Page In The Universe - Videos
Dick vs Maddox: Stolen itunes feed

Dick vs Maddox: Stolen itunes feed
Maddox Tries to Censor the Internet

Maddox Tries to Censor the Internet
The Rise and Fall of Maddox the Loser

The Rise and Fall of Maddox the Loser
I hate walking in video games

I hate walking in video games
Your alternate news site sucks

Your alternate news site sucks
YouTube is the reason Hollywood still exists

YouTube is the reason Hollywood still exists
Maddox defends Cuckolding

Maddox defends Cuckolding
Why watch other people play games?

Why watch other people play games?
How to tell if you believe in bullshit.

How to tell if you believe in bullshit.
Maddox vs Cricket

Maddox vs Cricket
How Disney Ruined The Little Mermaid

How Disney Ruined The Little Mermaid
Spider-Woman's Big Ass is a Big Deal!

Spider-Woman's Big Ass is a Big Deal!
Things you're doing wrong every day: everything.

Things you're doing wrong every day: everything.
Facebook quizzes are stupid.

Facebook quizzes are stupid.
I Hate BuzzFeed.

I Hate BuzzFeed.
Confirmed: I'm banned from Apple Stores.