Warhammer 40,000 - Images
Inspired by recent personal events | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
Why are you all so lame? | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
What is this “good” you all are going on about? | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
The Great Civil Waaaagh!! | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
tHeRe ArE nO gOoD gUyS iN 40k | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
It's beautiful. | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
The only ethical question that exists in 40K | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
Luckily for Cain, he appears in fewer books than Felix. | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
In response to what I’ve seen here: | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
tHeRe ArE nO gOoD gUyS iN 40k | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
Bon appetite. (@ChumiiCham) | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
the god emperor of humanity upon finding out that his son murder-fuck-asaur-icus was corrupted by th...

Warhammer 40,000
tHeRe ArE nO gOoD gUyS iN 40k | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
What in the grimdark is this | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
true | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000
Russ is not a furry but even if he was he had it coming- Russ | /r/grimdank

Warhammer 40,000