That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo - Images
You can't just make up words

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
stop raping me !

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
Total Wrong Island

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
me irl

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
That's where you're wrong, kidd-[MUFFLED LAUGHTER]

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can't deliver all those gifts in one night!

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
A grand exception

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
That's where you're loss kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
When kiddos are wrong

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
Tumblr Edition

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
That's where you're absolutely wrong

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
Look out, he's got fingers!

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can’t show off and expect girls to love you Johnny

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo
You can't just hail Trump.

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo

That's Where You're Wrong Kiddo