Usher's Dancing Goes with Everything
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Usher's Dancing Goes with Everything is a series of video syncing Usher Terry Raymond IV under the mononym Usher, a American singer, songwriter, dancer, and actor performing at Microsoft's E3 2012 Press Conference to promote Harmonix Music Systems music game Dance Central 3. Usher's dancing has the incredible ability to some how fit with any soundtrack put to create simultaneously.
On June 5, 2012 YouTuber CrazyBlackman108 Posted The first Usher's Dancing Goes with Everything video titled ''Usher on Stage at Microsoft E3 (With fitting One Piece music)'' having Usher dancing to One Piece Opening 6 music ''Brand New World''.
The following day on June 6,2012 YouTuber NeoGameSpark mirrored CrazyBlackman108's video to ''Usher on Stage @ Microsoft's E3 (With Fitting One Piece Music) HD'' where views rose quickly with over 5,477 in 1 month after being uploaded.
On June 8,2012 YouTuber ImmaShiningArmor Posted the first Usher Dancing mashup with the title ''Usher's Dancing Goes With Everything''. Since then, remixes of the video are being created.