Verbose / Classy Memes - Videos
The Posh Video Descriptive Service for a Scene with a Woman's Vaginal Rinsing Device

The Posh Video Descriptive Service for a Scene with a Woman's Vaginal Rinsing Device
A Verbose Introduction to Your Regularly Scheduled Pokemon Broadcast

A Verbose Introduction to Your Regularly Scheduled Pokemon Broadcast
The Posh Breakdown of the Gorilla Who Refers To Himself as an Ass.

The Posh Breakdown of the Gorilla Who Refers To Himself as an Ass.
We Are Representing the Highest Order in Our Artificially Known Qualitative System

We Are Representing the Highest Order in Our Artificially Known Qualitative System
Classy Luigi

Classy Luigi
An encounter with trained military person responsible for providing medical care to his associates

An encounter with trained military person responsible for providing medical care to his associates
Get aquainted with the professional of demolitions

Get aquainted with the professional of demolitions
Encounter with the Pyrotechnical Specialist Person

Encounter with the Pyrotechnical Specialist Person
A Chance Encounter with a Winged Wall Eyed Flying Equine referred by her colleagues as Derpy Hooves

A Chance Encounter with a Winged Wall Eyed Flying Equine referred by her colleagues as Derpy Hooves
Spontaneous Sounds/Movements from Contractions of a Diaphragm Targeted at Apparitions of the Dead

Spontaneous Sounds/Movements from Contractions of a Diaphragm Targeted at Apparitions of the Dead
A Posh Breakdown of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

A Posh Breakdown of the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
A Posh Breakdown Of The Fine Young Prodigy Of Forbidden Sorcery

A Posh Breakdown Of The Fine Young Prodigy Of Forbidden Sorcery
This Audio Video Interlave File is Titled "I abrubtly object"

This Audio Video Interlave File is Titled "I abrubtly object"
Extraneous Lyrics

Extraneous Lyrics
Extraneous Lyrics 2011

Extraneous Lyrics 2011
Extraneous Lyrics 2012