when ur at home watching your friends snapchat stories at a party you werent invited to

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
Watching your friends’ snapchat stories like

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
Watching your friends' snapchat stories of them landing in foreign countries for Spring Break. #BrokeAtBaylor

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
Watching your friends snapchat stories at their respective schools while you patiently wait for move in day

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
watching your friends snapchat stories of their spring break from home

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
When you're grounded, and you're just home watching your friends snapchat stories like

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
watching your friends Snapchat stories from work like

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
Waking up and watching your friends Snapchat stories

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
Watching your friend’s vacation stories on snapchat like

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
watching your friends snapchat stories when they didn't invite you out with them:

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
Watching your friends' vacation stories on Snapchat like:

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories
Watching your friends' snapchat stories and seeing that they all hung out without you

Watching Your Friends' Snapchat Stories