Wise Mystical Tree / If You're Over 25 and Own a Computer, This Game Is a Must-Have - Trending Images

Wise Mystical Tree / If You're Over 25 and Own a Computer, This Game Is a Must-Have
Efteling, The Netherlands

Wise Mystical Tree / If You're Over 25 and Own a Computer, This Game Is a Must-Have
This Ugly Sun of a Bitch Is Fucking 25 Year Old+ Chicks

Wise Mystical Tree / If You're Over 25 and Own a Computer, This Game Is a Must-Have
The Main Difference Between jRPGs and wRPGs
![the main difference between JRPGS AND WRPGS [-] Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:06 No. 117629506 Hide [!] Wow. Are you s------- me? There are actually people here who prefer the tree on the left to the tree on the right? Wow. F------ wow. All my questions about /v/'s s--- taste have just been answered. How anyone, ANYONE, could possibly prefer that s-----, awful tree on the left to that beautiful god among plants on the right is f------ beyond me. I can only assume the plebs who prefer the tree on the left have just been surrounded by shittytrees their entire sad lives and thus are unable to recognize true greatness when they see it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/002/444/782/5d0.jpg)
![the main difference between JRPGS AND WRPGS [-] Anonymous 11/21/11(Mon)20:06 No. 117629506 Hide [!] Wow. Are you s------- me? There are actually people here who prefer the tree on the left to the tree on the right? Wow. F------ wow. All my questions about /v/'s s--- taste have just been answered. How anyone, ANYONE, could possibly prefer that s-----, awful tree on the left to that beautiful god among plants on the right is f------ beyond me. I can only assume the plebs who prefer the tree on the left have just been surrounded by shittytrees their entire sad lives and thus are unable to recognize true greatness when they see it.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/444/782/5d0.jpg)
Wise Mystical Tree / If You're Over 25 and Own a Computer, This Game Is a Must-Have