Zanzibart... Forgive Me - Images
[Objective] Deliver note to Zanzibart
![Sam Winkler @ThatSamWinkler Dark Souls revolutionized games, in the sense that instead of a story now you can just have some guy with a big sword named Myrmidon of Loss who gasps "Zanzibart. forgive me" when he dies and then twenty YouTubers will make an hour long video about how deep your lore is Follow Sam Winkler @ThatSamWinkler Lead Writer @playWonderlands | Prev: Borderlands 3 + DLCS | Senior Writer at @gearboxofficial | Non-canonical lore item | He/ him. Lead Writer He/|him. 1:10 PM 05 Feb 22 · Twitter for iPhone Anonymous 03/24/22(Thu)22:11:13 No.593115874 File: 95324784359087.jpg (102 KB, 648x562) >>593100949 (OP) >Oh s--- you killed me! Like, I'm actually dying here! Look, if it's not too much trouble, could you be a sweetheart and deliver this message to my pal Zanzibart for me? I kinda screwed him over a few years back, I owe him a whole buttload of money, and well. Since you've killed me l'm feeling hella bad about it right now y'all! OK monologue over I promise, I'm actually dying for real this time. Urrrk! Urgh! Ugh! Those are dying sounds by the way. Because I'm totally dying, remember? OK OK I really am dying now for real this time. UUUUUUURRRRRGHHHHHHH ARRRRRRRRRRRGHHHH AHHHHHHHHH and other dying noises. [objective] Deliver note to Zanzibart [optional objective] Read the note [optional objective 2] Show note to Zirella Tip: Press A to jump over obstacles](
![Sam Winkler @ThatSamWinkler Dark Souls revolutionized games, in the sense that instead of a story now you can just have some guy with a big sword named Myrmidon of Loss who gasps "Zanzibart. forgive me" when he dies and then twenty YouTubers will make an hour long video about how deep your lore is Follow Sam Winkler @ThatSamWinkler Lead Writer @playWonderlands | Prev: Borderlands 3 + DLCS | Senior Writer at @gearboxofficial | Non-canonical lore item | He/ him. Lead Writer He/|him. 1:10 PM 05 Feb 22 · Twitter for iPhone Anonymous 03/24/22(Thu)22:11:13 No.593115874 File: 95324784359087.jpg (102 KB, 648x562) >>593100949 (OP) >Oh s--- you killed me! Like, I'm actually dying here! Look, if it's not too much trouble, could you be a sweetheart and deliver this message to my pal Zanzibart for me? I kinda screwed him over a few years back, I owe him a whole buttload of money, and well. Since you've killed me l'm feeling hella bad about it right now y'all! OK monologue over I promise, I'm actually dying for real this time. Urrrk! Urgh! Ugh! Those are dying sounds by the way. Because I'm totally dying, remember? OK OK I really am dying now for real this time. UUUUUUURRRRRGHHHHHHH ARRRRRRRRRRRGHHHH AHHHHHHHHH and other dying noises. [objective] Deliver note to Zanzibart [optional objective] Read the note [optional objective 2] Show note to Zirella Tip: Press A to jump over obstacles](
Zanzibart... Forgive Me
Zanzibart Demake
Zanzibart... Forgive Me
Myrmidion Lore

Zanzibart... Forgive Me
Fan Art

Zanzibart... Forgive Me

Zanzibart... Forgive Me

Zanzibart... Forgive Me
Fan Art
Zanzibart... Forgive Me

Zanzibart... Forgive Me
Zanzibart The Giant

Zanzibart... Forgive Me
Big Fan

Zanzibart... Forgive Me

Zanzibart... Forgive Me

Zanzibart... Forgive Me