'Coffin Dance' Guys Have Sold Their Meme As An NFT For Nearly $1 Million And Donated A Quarter Of The Proceeds To Ukraine

Published April 12, 2022

Published April 12, 2022

The Coffin Dance, one of 2020's most viral memes showing a group of Ghanian pallbearers dancing while holding up a coffin, was sold as an NFT over the weekend for 327 ETH, or roughly $984,000 U.S. dollars at the time of writing. Benjamin Aidoo, one of the pallbearers in the viral video and owner of the company behind it, announced the sale last Saturday.

The dance was sold to 3fmusic, a music studio in the Middle East. The Coffin Dance troupe plans to donate a quarter of a million dollars to Come Back Alive, a Ukrainian charity that aids the country's military by providing it with equipment.

The pallbearers will retain half the proceeds of the sale and another $250,000 will go to the BADs advertising agency, which helped put the auction together.

The story became a point of debate on Reddit, where a thread on /r/Ukraine rapidly gained over 40,000 points. Users there, particularly those who didn't seem to be supporters of NFTs, begrudgingly conceded that the NFT sale was for a good cause.

"As much as I despise the rise of NFTs, it's nice to see a charitable use for them," wrote one user.

While debate raged in the ensuing thread over the valuable use cases for NFTs, one thing everyone seemed to agree on is that it's difficult to think of a more "only in 2022" story than the convergence of the Coffin Dance meme, Ukraine and NFTs.

To learn more about Benjamin Aidoo and the man behind the meme, read our interview with him from 2020 here.

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