Fans Of 'Fall Guys' Are Fed Up With Problems, Causing #SaveFallGuys To Trend

Published October 11, 2022

Published October 11, 2022

Fans of the game Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout have had quite a bit to deal with over the past few weeks. Between bugs plaguing certain maps, the outright removal of entire games from the solo queue and skill-based matchmaking (known simply as SBMM by players) causing several issues with the queue process, a disdain has been slowly growing within the player base for some time. This finally came to a head when, after repeatedly being ignored by the developer Mediatronic, the fans took to Twitter to try and make others aware of these issues, with the trending hashtag #SaveFallGuys.

The biggest gripes from the player base come from the skill-based matchmaking system, which is designed to make it so that each player has a hidden score associated with their skill level, and only people with similar skill levels should be matched together. In theory, it should make more close matches so players have tougher competition, but in practice it's led to a lot of broken queue's as the system tries to create a lobby of similarly skilled players, or games where some players vastly outskill their ranking number, crushing the competition in a way that's not fun or fair for others. The complaining over SBMM reached such a paramount that talking about getting rid of it was banned from the official Fall Guys twitch chat.

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