Joss Whedon Wanted More Vision Penis In 'Avengers: Age Of Ultron'

Avengers: Age of Ultron is one of the few Marvel movies considered to be a failure. It's probably a little more well regarded than The Incredible Hulk and a little less than Iron Man 2, but few go out of their way to defend Ultron. Maybe all that would be a little different if director Joss Whedon had his way.
Paul Bettany, who stars as the android Vision in the film and on Disney+'s new series WandaVision, says Whedon had a different plan for the character's birth scene. He wanted to show the world what they had been clamoring for: Vision's penis. During an interview on the Lights, Camera, Barstool podcast, Beaty said:
I know that Joss Whedon apparently really, really wanted the rendition of him, when Vision first is born, before he was clothed, he was like "He’s gotta have a penis." And everyone – Kevin (Feige) and Lewis, I mean everybody was like "I don’t know, Joss…I mean…I’m not sure…,"…"HE HAS TO HAVE A PENIS, I WANT TO SEE SOME DRAWINGS OF PENISES!"
So they actually, somewhere is the rendition of Vision’s birth with these penises and they put them all up on the wall, and then they went in, and they sat down, and Joss went…"Yeah, I’m 100% wrong. I don’t need to see any of these."
We talked to Paul Bettany about #WandaVision and ended up with a story about how Joss Whedon wanted Vision to look when he first appeared in ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’.
“He was like, ‘He has to have a penis.’”
INTERVIEW:— Lights, Camera, Pod (@LightsCameraPod) January 26, 2021
Honestly, this sounds like it would've been a red version of Dr. Manhattan's ding dong from the Watchmen movie. Still, imagine a world where the first full-frontal nudity in a Marvel movie was Vision's bright red schlong.
But now that the public has a taste for Vision's weiner, that's all they can focus on now.
I could’ve had a peaceful night without knowing that Joss Whedon wanted Vision to have a penis in Age of Ultron. But no. I’ll never know peace.
— Adam Stabelli (@AdamofGotham) January 27, 2021
Joss Whedon: I WANT PICTURES OF VISION'S RED PENIS!— cmitown (@cmitown) January 27, 2021
Joss Whedon 🤝 Wanda
Wanting Vision to have
a penis— CHEMTRAILS OVER THE COUNTRY CLUB IS COMING MAR 19 (@KhaaliDangor) January 27, 2021
The public demands an anatomically correct Vision, but will Mickey Mouse and his prudish censors give the people what they want, Vision's ruby johnson? Probably not. We'll all just have to use our imaginations.
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