Kyle Rittenhouse Shared A Meme About High Gas Prices Using The Video Format Of Him Crying On Trial, Stirring Up Controversy

Kyle Rittenhouse, the former suspect involved in the 2020 Kenosha, Wisconsin Shootings who was found not guilty late last year, has exploited his own crying video meme to make a joke about America's rising gas prices amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Posted to Twitter yesterday, Rittenhouse's tweet poked fun at President Joe Biden, blaming him for the rise in gas prices and other issues such as inflation.
No, it’s not Lemon Heads.. it’s the burning hole in my pocket thanks to a Joe Biden presidency.. 😂😂
— Kyle Rittenhouse (@ThisIsKyleR) March 18, 2022
The tone of Rittenshouse's meme accompanied by its caption was perceived as tone-deaf to some. In subsequent replies and quote tweets, many users commented on his 2020 actions involving the killing of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. Though the trial of Rittenhouse found him not guilty on all charges, it remains a highly contentious issue online and many did not agree with the verdict at the time, and emotions associated with this distrust manifested in their responses to his recent crying meme. These reactions were both humorous and serious, with some asking how he felt no remorse and others making memes about his mom driving him to Ukraine instead.
What a completely inappropriate thing to embrace. Guilty or not you killed people. Don’t you feel anything?
— Matt Has Feelings Too (@foodisfunny) March 18, 2022
— G Bryan Wilson (@bigwils57) March 18, 2022
— Brigitte 🇺🇸 #FBR 🌈 (@makeupuface) March 18, 2022
Dear Kyle Rittenhouse,
Do you really believe that your latest video was a good choice?
Maybe ask your civil defense lawyer.
May the families of those you killed and maimed sue you for every penny you will ever earn.— Miss Adorable 🇺🇦 (@ImMissAdorable) March 18, 2022
kyle rittenhouse moment
— ☀️👀 (@zei_squirrel) March 18, 2022
A message for Kyle Rittenhouse
— Richard Angwin (@RichardAngwin) March 10, 2022
I predict Kyle Rittenhouse has a prison career ahead of him…
— cjmmn (@ChuckCjmmn) March 18, 2022
It’s long past time for that evil little fucker Kyle Rittenhouse’s 15 minutes to expire.
— Jo 🌻 (@JoJoFromJerz) March 18, 2022
Proponents then reacted to the outrage, giving their own analogies regarding Jussie Smollett and his hate crime allegations. With that trial developing in recent months and only concluding just last week, the wound was still fresh for conservatives to reference. Most of them found the left as hypocritical in relation to the perceived double-standard.
Sooo… Kyle Rittenhouse is trending because leftists, who mocked and dragged him for crying in court, are upset that he used the video of himself crying in court as a meme for gas prices… got it.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) March 18, 2022
Since Kyle Rittenhouse is trending, I'll remind everyone he did what democrats refuse to: protect our lives.
— Joe Has Dementia (@RokerGlasses) March 18, 2022
As long as Kyle Rittenhouse keeps trending on social media, the 2020 Kenosha Shootings will continue to cause divisiveness among Americans on social media, and these most recent memes are fueling a flame that most thought was beginning to fizzle out.
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