PETA Raises Eyebrows With PSA Graphic Featuring What Many Think Looks Like Kinky Furry Art

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

PETA, seemingly hellbent on getting its messages to go viral by any means necessary, has once again riled up the internet with an eye-catching PSA. This time, it appears to viewers they've mined from the world of kinky furry artwork.

PETA's new ad against prong collars featured a bipedal dog leading a pained human on a leash with a prong collar. "Prong collars are painful and dangerous," the ad's copy reads.

If you don't see how the image has sexual overtones, we envy you. Unfortunately, many others have seen far too much on the internet to not immediately interpret PETA's PSA as a sex thing, and the reactions on social media have been swift since the post went up earlier this week.

Despite the bizarre overtones present in PETA's PSA, many users conceded that PETA was in the right with their message.

At least one person took the ad as more of a suggestion than a PSA.

On the one hand, PETA's PSA adds to the organization's lengthy legacy of posting cringe online, but on the other, at least they seem content to always give us something to talk about.

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