This 'Narrative Device' Generator Is Becoming An Instant Classic For Artificially Intelligent Meme Creators

Published February 07, 2022

Published February 07, 2022

The Narrative Device generator is very simple. All it requires is an internet user to insert two words and … bingo! They have a short, one-paragraph story generated by artificial intelligence. Creators and trolls alike now have it to their disposal thanks to @_RodolfoOcampo on Twitter.

Rodolfo Ocampo, the creator of the website, is a Ph.D. student based in Mexico. On February 1st, Ocampo tweeted to his followers something he had been working on for his degree based on researching human-AI creative interaction. The result was a Heroku application allowing users to insert two themes, only to see "the beginning of a story come alive." Ocampo's first story was about "music" and "autopoiesis."

Going into the next two days, meme creators started to exploit the tool, creating plots about their friends or family, as well as putting together otherwise obtuse references into one coherent narrative. Soon enough, Wario was intertwined in the Iranian Hostage Crisis and furries were participating in NASCAR races.

With other AI-generators like ShitpostBot 500 and the newer Don't You Lecture Me With Your 30 Dollar Haircut Sequencer, Ocampo's website seems to be another step in the right direction towards robot-human creative collaboration.

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