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in reply to BigD1987

Then how about a sound that does: Ash sucks as a main protagonist. Good for one season, but they should have axed him years ago. Bland, boring, no character development, or personal struggle, and he's an extremely bad Pokemon trainer, most of his Pokemon remain unevolved and those that do show promising potential are either cast aside one way or another or just straight up don't respect him; and he's never even won a league that mattered, fighting opponents that test Ash's might, oh yeah, he's good at them, but in terms of opponents that know what they're doing, like Tobias, he gets rek'd hard. In Pokemon Origins, Red showed far more character development in 4 episodes than Ash could in 700 and was a far better trainer and actually completed the Pokedex, something Ash isn't even close to completing. There isn't anything likeable to him, he doesn't learn from any big lessons and I was this close to actually saying "He might be turning it around in X & Y when he actually evolved a Goomy into a Goodra, a pseudo legendary, something that would win him the league for sure" until he released the thing! How thick can he get? I've all but washed my hands of Ash and until they give the lead role to someone more promising, I'm not touching the Pokemon anime with a 40 foot pole.


While I can't speak for everyone, I lost respect for Ash when it became apparent that he would never accomplish anything.

During the first season his naivete could be excused by his newness to Pokemon battles, but as the series went on he barely improved.

It was around the Advanced Battle season when I lost interest and switched to reading Pokemon Special. Red starts out as an idiot hero, but at least he show signs of being able to formulate complex strategies early on; and then growing out of the idiot part by the end of the arc. Red also ages, by the FireRed arc Red is a muscular teenager.


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