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Mister Musashi
Mister Musashi

in reply to Lord DIO

Well, to be honest, the anime has been 1:1 with the manga, it's just reordering things a bit (I keep getting paranoid they're skipping chapters but they jump ahead and back a bit for pacing or something – for example, the shedding chapter was 7, I think, and the egg chapter was 14… I think).

Many scenes are improved in the anime (such as the JoJo's reference, the scene where the Big 3 were about to fight before Kurusu got tranq'd, and the context of what the fuck those things are Tionishia had used on those orcs). Additionally, the voices are so goddamn cute; and the music – especially the MON themes – is fanfuckingtastic. However, the TV version of the anime is lacking tons of nip slips and downplays the lewder moments a fair bit and it kinda does have an adverse effect on the impact of certain scenes.

If it's more your pace, watch the anime, especially if you'd rather find out what's gonna happen than know ahead of time. I'm not one of those "NO, YOU HAVE TO READ THE MANGA FIRST" guys. I've only started really reading mangas within the past few years. As for MonMusu, though, I'm worried how far the anime is gonna get because things get (well, always have been and always will be) crazy/awesome.

PS) I'm worried if they're gonna change some of Suu's…. dialogue in that aforementioned 'best chapter'… it's fucking priceless. Suu won that chapter, no contest.


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