A brief dissertation on why tumblr ruined this fandom | Steven Universe | Know Your Meme
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4910 Views Created 8 years ago By pilongadello • Updated 10 months ago

Created By pilongadello • Updated 10 months ago

sked anonymous a What's your opinion on the deterioration of the SU fandom via SJWs? I'm not a big fan of how the fans have made it all about race and representation and the lengths they'll go to bash on other artists and even locations (Keystone Motel incident) em4realsj answered It's a darn shame is what it is. Here you've got this really great show that has some positive messages for kids, and as per usual someone comes along and ruins it for everyone else. The gems are space rocks. Space rocks have no gender. In her AMA on Reddit, Rebecca Sugar responded to many questions, some of which people were repeatedly wanting to know the genders and races of the gems. Her responses were essentially "No. Gems are gems. And then she moved on to the next non-race baiting thing This is one of many reasons I was chased off Tumbir before Fandom of any sort does not mix well with the SJW agenda, and usually ends up causing these sorts of environments for fans. I'm very familiar with the Keystone Motel incident. I've stayed there on vacation visiting family, and it's a pretty decent place. What they did by attacking that business via bad and faked reviews is not only a terrible waste of their own time, but is also legitimate grounds for the business owners to sue for libel and defamation which has harmed their business. Unfortunately the cowards who did it hide behind throw away accounts and URLS And this race coded mess needs to stop. It's based off grossly inappropriate stereotypes and reinforces them. “Garnet's black because big lips and big hips and an afro!" No. She's not. She's a gem. She's a space rock. She's a space rock made of two other space rocks. "Amethyst is Latina because she's loud and brash and-" No. Just no. She's purple. She's also younger than the other gems, hence the childishness. Hence the loudness. And her body type? Not specifically Latina either. "Pearl is why because she's strict and pale and-" No. Pearl is "white" because she is the color of a pearl, not because of some conspiracy Rebecca Sugar is in on to make people feel validated and reinforcing stereotypes. White people can have big hips and lips. Black people can be loud and brash. Latin@s can be pale and strict. Heck, ANYONE can be loud and strict and brash and big hips and lips and if they've got the hair for it, have an afro. And before anyone pulls out the "But Garnet's voice actress is black, so Garnet is black! No. Stop. If we used that logic, then Samurai Jack isn't Asian, he's black And Apu from the Simpsons isn't Indian, he's white A lot of the messages from this show are acceptance of others for their differences. Acceptance of things that make us all unique individuals. And yet the only things I ever see coming out of that fandom are based purely on stereotype and bile. it's ridiculous and ignorant All in all, as an artist myself, I understand the need for positive representation across the board. But jamming it down people's throats, and actively IGNORING THE CREATOR'S STATEMENTS ON IT are completely uncalled for and grossly inappropriate The SU fandom started out as a safe, fun space for people of all ages, and it's been twisted, as Tumblr usually does to good things, into this toxic hate-filled SJW minefield, and it's uitterly disgusting the disrespect these people are showing to other fans who love the show, too and just wish to show their appreciation for it Do I think all of the racebent art is awesome? No, I don't. Some of it has been VERY offensive, especially the ones posted by 4chan users here. But to outright attack someone for simnply drawing a picture and showing their love for a show? Drawing a picture and doing the exact same thing many other fans are doing. just not in the same manner? THIS is what drives people away from really great shows and comics and stuff that they love The gatekeeping ways of Fandom. Southern Mod Source: em4realsj 633 notes
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Steven Universe


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