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I'd consider it worse if it wasn't something people do for everything. People are just fucking stupid. It's sad, and simple, but true. And sure, it's disheartening to know that people focus waaaaaaay too much on the wrong things, but again, people are just fucking stupid…

It's like when people freaked out over the characters in Frozen and did the whole race-bending thing. Did it destroy the movie's following? No. It might have even helped it. It's just something people have to accept, the more popular something is, the more you're likely to find the idiots who try and ruin it for everyone else.

And I'm not sure what to make of the last line. Sure, even if the fandom was mostly made up of idiots, why would that stop you from enjoying the show itself? It's not as if the people working on it would suddenly alter it to suit the needs of those very idiots. It just means you need to know what circles to avoid when discussing what you like.


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