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Zootopia - Humanized Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde by Flore Doodler

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Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast
Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast


shitstorm rages on below

Or, I'll just take my leave, that's fine, too?

(No, seriously, I have no clue why the hell any of you are so outraged about this, and I'm not

saying this because of the girl on the left.

Some dude decided to reinvent two characters, and then decided to use minorities because that was in his taste at the time. Okay, cool. We witnessed a controversy involving someone who almost killed herself because some guys harassed her about drawing Rose Quartz a bit skinnier than she actually was in canon and we responded with "let the girl draw how she wants, dammit". What's the difference between that and this? That she made that drawing back when nobody was sure of the proportions of Rose? If that's the answer, then it means that you made a spiel for the sake of making a spiel, because "let the girl draw how she wants" is just that and only that.

Oh, so the issue is "they're not implied to be religiously inclined". Except that while headscarves are inherent to Muslim culture because of the related religious edict, they're not endemic to Muslim culture or to Muslims.

Wait, no, the issue is "the artist's pandering to diversity fetishists".


THIS isn't pandering. THIS IS PANDERING.



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