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Steven Universe - Y-you gotta do it Stev-Connie, Do it for Steven, Connie!

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Pearl: crystal gem
Pearl: crystal gem

Greg: Your mother was my Connie! I remember the first time I saw her, I thought.
Pearl: I should get her pregnant, then she will disapear forever.
Greg: I beg your pardon Pearl, innapropriate.
Pearl: Sorry, please proceed with your story about banging my Rose to death. I am not sure you want to take Romantic advices from this guy, Steven. His marriage is literally dead.
Greg: My marriage was fine, thank you.
Pearl: Greg, you built this house, Whatever you say is how it is but I think even a blind gem can see that Rose was looking for the door so much, she literally killed herself. I barely had a reason to care (ctually I cared immensely) and even I have noticed.
Steven: Come on Pearl, don't talk about my parents like that!
Pearl: Listen Steven, I hate to break it to you but what humans call love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hit hard Steven, then it slowly fade. leaving you strangled in a dead relationship. I did it, your parents did it, break the cycle Steven, rise above, focus on figthing Homeworld.


Yes! We need more of these.

Someone once said that if we keep (shit)posting these Rick/Pearl fusions/swaps/parallels, it will become popular enough and actually happen on TV. Of course, the chances of it actually happening are very, very small…

But I want to believe.


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