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90s Nostalgia - Do Kids' Cartoons Are Just Not As Bad As You Think and Are Better These Days?!

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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

Personally my feelings are as such:

Crap exists in every single generation, it's just the crap is forgotten and the classics are what are remembered. This applies to music as well, did you know some bands that are widely praised today like Queen didn't always have #1 hits in their time, and the #1 hits were by gimmick bands like "The Archies"? Bennet the Sage has a video on this very thing called "the worst #1 music hits."

Plus Pan Pizza has been known to rag on 90s kids and their belief that everything in the 90s was superior, pointing out how the 90s also had cartoons like The Brothers Flubb, Mega Babies (a grossout show by the creators of Swat Kats, I shit you not), and Pinky and the Brain and Elmyra, one of the worst cases of "executive meddling" ever in animation.


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