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Mistress Fortune
Mistress Fortune

in reply to Ikiez

Pan-Pizza joked on his Tumblr recently what he thinks an Ed, Edd, n Eddy reboot would look like if it was done by the same people behind the PPG reboot instead of Danny Antonucci. He joked about things like "plank will now talk and have rounded edges" and that the squiggle outlines would be gone. Antonucci actually caught wind of Pan's joke and the responses to it on Facebook and actually replied "to whoever came up with this idea, fuck off."

Really though given McCracken himself confirmed CN DID try and get him back for the reboot but he couldn't come back due to things beyond his and CN's control (McCracken is still under contract to work for Disney for X amount of years), I'm sure if CN tried to do anything else EEnE related they would make sure to get Antonucci on board. I mean they did get back Gennedy Tartakovsky for the Samurai Jack revival on Toonami, and Man of Action is returning for the 2017 Ben 10 reboot. PPG 2016 is like the one situation where CN was out of luck trying to get the original creator on board.


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