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LGBTQ+ - Kuledud3 (a transwoman) on transphobia within the LGBT community

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Platus Moderator

It's honestly the most frustrating thing, not least because a lot of the gains that gays and lesbians have had recently are due in part to activism by trans people. Heck, the Stonewall riot and the gains that resulted are largely due to two trans women. Gay opposition to trans activism makes literally zero sense.

Mom Rivers
Mom Rivers Moderator

Removed from notes, posting here so it's not lost:

"Sadly true given I have on occasion seen comments from other LGBT people who say things like "trannies are so weird, I don't like having them around us gay folk." Yeah I know LGBT people that are like this are in the minority (a minority group within a minority group… cue an old Inception joke), but it's still unfortunate. And of course a similar group to this would be TERFs, "trans exclusionary radical feminists," basically radical feminists who hate trans people (as they see transwomen as "fake women" and see transmens as "gender traitors")."


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