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Actually, Trump and Hillary used to be a fusion of two DIOs from different universes. In the final episode of Bernie's Bizarre Adventure: Presidenital Blood, the Two DIOs split up their bodies and started running for president while getting Bernie out of the way. By making eachother seem like they oppose eachother, they ensured that Bernie couldn't get in and sabotage the Metal Gear plans to make a world destroying stand. In the end, the HillaryDIO forced Bernie out and the TrumpDIO took his stand. The current election right now are two DIO fusions whp have lost their stands from other alternate universes. They are trying to regain them so they can put the les enfants terribles project into full force, but under a different ruling. To make america great, stripping everyone of humanity to go to the great Vampire side. Everyone will get a stand, and everyone will be immortal.


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