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the color green is commonly paired with envy and jealousy.
It’s therefore more meaningful that green magic doesn’t stem from the ‘corruption’ of Toffee’s finger, but with covetous feelings overtaking a person and their better sense; Ludo covets the power of the wand to a self destructive level while more recently Star covets Jackie’s romantic relation to Marco will most likely effect her magic in the future without Glossaryk’s guidance.
Toffee, though still seemingly immortal, seeks to rid himself the curse and get his finger back, whatever that would entail.
Furthermore Jackie and Marco’s other friends “moving on with their lives” seems to represent Marco’s anxiety that he may inevitably be stuck with Star’s royalty/magic/fantasy shenanigans and never truly grow as a person.
Even a greenlit, feral looking Star bites and take’s Marco’s red belt away, representing Marco's anxiety that his relationship with Star will ruin his future hopes and accomplishments as the Red belt flies towards the Blood Moon.

So… Star ruins Marco’s chance at normal happiness with Jackie, and Marco fears he has a duty to stay with Star at the cost of his desires for a normal life and growth as a person, as his fate is cosmically sealed by the Blood Moon to Star for all eternity….

All this tragedy is delicious to me


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