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Donald Trump - Woman replies to Donald Trump's latest SNL tweet

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The Chinese are already mocking him for his twitter outrage. Maybe they should remove his social media privileges for a while so he can focus on learning what exactly is expected of him as president. You know like all the security briefings he keeps missing.


in reply to DNottin

If you actually read what Danielle said (which, based on your comment, I assume you haven’t), Danielle is laying out the fact that being president means examining and being involved in a lot of complex issues involving society and the world. She is telling Donald that the only reason he ran for president is because he wanted people to stroke his massive, fragile ego (which, if you look at the facts, seems to be the case).
Who says that she’s in the wrong for making an 11-tweet rant at our president-elect? If you look at his past experience, Twitter is where he posts “what’s really on his mind”:


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