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in reply to Bookie

The difference in comparing the catholic church with the democratic party is that it doesn't have much o a rabid competition every couple years with a similarly situation opposing party that could call them out.

Basically, if there was some huge pedophile conspiracy, the republicans could have used that as fodder years ago. If they caught wind of some shady pedophile conspiracy, they would have jumped on it LONG ago.

Remember- politicians are the idiots that can be anti-gay, yet get caught getting blowjobs in gay bars. They are not that great at hiding things.

I mean… I could accept that A democrat was a pedophile. But a massive conspiracy to hide it and enable it? Hell no. It is far easier to just have one creepy rich guy exploiting his power for personal use than it is to arrange dozens of people to run a cover business and abduct children.

The catholics could hide things because they were a massive unified power structure that wanted to prevent its prestige, and had no one that was competing with them willing to call them out on this. I would more readily compare them to police agencies shuffling 'problem personnel' to other areas to avoid the heat of their actions (one of the key problems in police accountability).

This is far, far more likely to just be groundless 80's style pedo scares. It even has a satanism element for crying out loud.


of course OP is not a murderer/rapist!

i mean, sure, there have been murderers and rapes in Marketing, Medicine, Film, The Catholic Church etc, but it is completely outrageous to think that this random KYM poster is a murderer and/or rapist! So lets keep mocking the very idea that he is a murderer/rapist who probably rapes puppies because the last thing we want to do is take a puppy rape seriously!


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