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Cardin Winchester
Cardin Winchester

You know.. he's right. They want higher wages? If they'll get it. Thousands of layoffs will happen in order afford those wages. Then the more higher paying jobs deep in the mines will be laid off because of the high casualty rates and will be replaced with robots or automated or armored suits. Only the smartest and well rounded workers will keep their jobs. The rest will be booted out to make room for the higher wages. And sense those workers will be thrusted into the average workforce of whom the mass majority do not accept Faunas workers because of multiple reasons other than blatant racism (Higher injury rates, sanitation, and many other things that humans are turned away for in jobs.) this leaves the military and or a life as a hunter. Both jobs pay horribly and will be seen as using Faunas as meat shields for the "regular humans" despite the high probability of them being deployed as support units instead of combat units. (Medics, communication, artillery, mobilization, ect) So you really want those higher wages? Or do you like the security of having a relative safe job that both pays you and gives you benefits for working in it?


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