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Overwatch - Gamergate Triggerhappy:Tracer is lesbian who cares

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This comic actually brings up a good point, because like 90% of Tracer fan art I've seen shows her being gay for Widowmaker or whoever, so at this point her being "officially gay" just feels like we're keeping the status quo. It honestly would be more surprising if she were straight.

Russian Guy
Russian Guy

As someone who been following Overwatch and Tracer's controverses and all the fuss over this year, I have learned one imortant lesson for myself regarding internet, society and life today in general:

-people a bunch of sissy assholes

-there are no difference between them and a 6 year old child (although a child would ask questions and be interested to know more then a grown-up dumbass who goes straght up to conclusion)

- fuck you and your PC opinions over a person that doesn't even exist

- and fuck you Mcintosh, you got so confused in feminism and being a PC that you have no idea what your point is

(signed: new found sociopath)


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