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Pearl: crystal gem
Pearl: crystal gem

Of course you would ship pinecest. Everything you ship must be fondamentally wrong in a deep level.

Once the show will tell us which gem I belonged to before the war, you will ship me with her. Because it will be wrong. Because that's what get you off.

You are filthy, Vision.

narancia dabbing
narancia dabbing

vision, please, get off this site and talk to someone. whatever gender you prefer to date, talk to someone that belongs to that gender. start going out with them. ask them out. date them. develop a relationship. buy a big mac with small fries, only 9.99 with today's deal. after you date them and eat the big mac with small fries, ask them if they want to officialize the relationship. get married. maybe have kids. buy them some big macs. don't come back to this site. stop shipping bad or creepy ships. don't return.


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