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Nintendo Switch - Every Nintendo Switch conversation on the Internet in a nutshell

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It's okay to be critical about a console, but never should you be an idiot about it. You should look at the positives as well as the negatives before you go ape shit on it. Let's use the Switch as an example: Not a lot of games are coming out for it. Yes, that's bad. But the games that are coming out for it look amazing. Breath of the Wild? Yes please! Splatoon 2! You bet! Arms? An inspired, adventurous new IP! The motion controls worry me, because I'm not a fan of motion controls, as well as the poor battery life. But when you do look at it, a gaming console that can work on a tablet and run with the same quality? That's some amazing stuff. Not to mention the innovation for the controller to split into two for 2 player action is ingenious!

See? Give something that you're unsure of, and look on the positive side. Every console has their pluses and minuses, does it make it a bad console? No! Does it make you look less uncultured while giving your argument? Most definitely.


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