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Know Your Meme - And there is also the "shitty ads because of NSFW images" problem that does not help, either.

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And before someone comes out with the idea that "controversial entries get more views"โ€ฆ no, they do not. The latest controversial entry with more than 500 comments got nothing but about 78K views, which is very low for entries. Other entries like TheLegend27 and that weird Howbow Dah meme got over 10 times that, with the latter almost at 1 million by now, even if they got just a few comments.

In fact, remember how that one mysteriously reached top gallery one day..? Well, it was not an outside prank, apparently. For some odd reason, it was just that popular, despite just being an image macro. After all, it was a meme, the thing most people come to this site for, so, in hindsight, not that surprising. It is what people expect to see.

And yes, people HAVE been asked about this before, which is the part where this image's relevance comes into play.

So, yepโ€ฆ

Mom Rivers
Mom Rivers Moderator

I've been saying this for a long, long time.

Although, to note, Don doesn't really like this either.

I'm guessing he's getting a requirement to do these from his higher ups.

About what entries get more views โ€“ Back around the end of november / beginning of december, I was asked to find out if political stuff gets more views. It was a bit rough, but tl;dr in november political stuff got more views. (If I did it now that the election is over and a bit cleaner I may get different results, but right now the evidence says political stuff = views.)


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