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Another interesting theory that could come from a matrix comparison is the gnostic angle.Since Aku is your general evil demon/god type thing, it wouldn’t be hard to make a demiurge comparison. So the question is this: Did he even send Jack into the future (THAT.IS.A.KU!)?

Maybe the entire series takes place in an illusion, created to ensnare and trap Jack for all eternity. The entire world is fake, created at Aku’s pleasure.

Oh, sure, maybe the people are real- perhaps they are trapped souls consumed by Aku during the various bouts of destruction, forced to play in his little doll house of a world so that he can eternally keep them in misery (and the other souls would allow for some small resistance, where Aku can’t micromanage and have all ofthem do his bidding exactly). And the reason Jack can’t age is because he is not truly part of this fake world- he is a living man dragged in, rather than a soul that is chained to the world’s rule.

Heck, this theory even has some basis in the original series. Demongo, the Soul Collector, seems like some Aku creation, and he uses souls in this kind of manner


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