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Yooka-Laylee - There are better indie collectathon games out there, with nicer dev teams

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Just because they haven't removed him yet doesn't mean they won't. If there's anything we have learned about indie games is that they're surprisingly influential with each other and usually can't afford to have even the slightest hint of bad political publicity (unless the bad publicity comes with a lot of monetary support from whichever faction supports the views).

Not that I think Jon should be removed from it in the first place; sure he said some really fucked up things that vary from moderately offensive to insanely offensive but we as a medium should be better about divorcing the artist and their art. If someone's beliefs interfere with the final product in a way that the studio doesn't support then yes they should get cut but as long as they do the job they were hired for and nothing more it literally shouldn't matter who it is.


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