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Animaniacs - Animaniacs reboot announced (With the involvment of the original creators)

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in reply to pinkiespy - goat spy

Have you ever seen Loonnatics Unleashed? If not buckle up.
At its core the show is a fusion of Loony Toons and a superhero team-up show and its pretty clear something like that could work. The operating word though is that it 'could' work not that it 'did'. I've never seen such an obvious slam dunk turn so incredibly awful in the execution. Its physically painful to watch. I can't even begin to understand how many levels of failure went into this train wreck of a cartoon.
The same can be said for Batman V Superman. I don't know how WB as a studio allowed things to get so fucked up without anyone stepping in, but if you look for more data points you start to see a trend.
I'd love to see more Animaniacs in theory. But I'm worried. WB has the reverse Midas touch these days.


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