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Crystal James
Crystal James

in reply to imobsessedwitheverything

Steven returns home.
Years pass… Everyone forgets Lars, and returns to normal life. Lapis starts learning to bake or something, Pearl stays pearl.
On a typical day, an entire spaceship armada emerges…
As one of the ship’s lands near beach city, Crystal Gems and their allies prepare for battle…
The spaceship opens…
Line after line of quartz soldiers march out and surround Steven and his allies…
A massive white palanquin appears from the bowels of the ship and approaches the terrified Crystal Gems…
The palanquin opens…
And to everyone’s horror reveals…
Lars sitting on a throne.
While Lapis was learning to bake a cake and Pearl was pearl, Lars overthrew the diamonds, won a civil war, reformed the gem empire into a constitutional monarchy, united all intelligent races into a federation and is now here to bring the earth into it.
Also Lapis now bakes cakes.
The end.


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