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Millennials - WSJ may not bring us truth or even actual journalism, but they can still catalyze laughs and unity t...

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Glorious Dome Fossil
Glorious Dome Fossil

It might actually be cheaper to buy products rather than spend so much on the materials to make them, unless they give off a huge amount of it and save you trips to the store.
Also, glad to see the WSJ isn't faring any better than the last time they were on the spotlight


Guys like a big massive fuck off thing of Fabric Softener cost like $10 on amazon and should last you AT LEAST 6 months, if not more depending on how often you do your laundry and how much fabric softener you use.

So while I hate all these anti-millennial articles, lets not act like Fabric Softener is worthless or expensive. Because that just not true.


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